We've lost my prostate, mate!
Audio book

Listening time: 3 hrs 22 mins
$28 (Australian dollars)
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146 pages
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146 pages, with illustrations
$25 (Australian dollars)
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One man's story and practical survival guide for Prostate Cancer
This is Alan White’s story about the diagnosis, the decision-making, the surgery and the road to recovery.
Being diagnosed with prostate cancer once in a lifetime is enough. In 2011, Alan faced a second round with this life-threatening disease.
Alan’s years of experience as a natural health practitioner and counsellor helped him and his wife, Fiona, to make the choice that no man really wants to make – surgical removal of the prostate gland – and to recover, physically and emotionally.
Talking about the things not usually discussed – sex after surgery, giant incontinence pads and how to wrangle your overnight urine bag – Alan shares his story and his discoveries.
Fiona adds her tips for partners of men facing prostate cancer.